Thursday, November 26, 2009

And another thing...

Why is it that people feel the need to comment or reference your t-shirt without ever saying that's what they're doing? As if I walk around all day brandishing my chest waiting for feedback and gratification. Jerks. I put on a shirt in the morning that doesn't smell as bad as the rest and go about my buisness. Don't walk up to me with your lame pun and then act surprized when I don't laugh because I have no idea what the hell your talking about, first of all. Second of all after I realized you're talking about my clothing and I still don't laugh it's because you are a waste of air. Jerkwads. Get out of here with that it's not funny. You're not funny and you're a waste of time.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

And another thing...

Why is it that everyone who recognizes you from when you were a baby has some important information to tell you right now to pass on to your parents that they haven't spoken with in years. Like all of a sudden, oh is that Johnny's son? Let me tell him my insurance policy number to tell his dad! This is dumb. IF you wanted to get in touch with someone, you should start with the address they have lived at for the past 10 years or the phone number that has been the same for the past 20. Do not rely on me to tell my parents the expiration date on the coupon book you gave them oh so long ago is almost up. Do not ask me how they're doing for that matter, just ask them yourself. The whole world is micro-connected by every network imaginable except for the handful of Jerks and Jerkettes who think that you alone are their personal messaging service.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

and another thing...

It is not okay for a band to wait for their third or fourth album to release a self titled. Its stupid. Don't try to revisit your roots because obviously you're not, you're trying something new or else you would have already titled your first album after yourselves. Its annoying and stupid and an attempt to regain popularity in most cases and it should be pointed out and stopped. Cut it out jerks.

Monday, June 29, 2009

and another thing...

Mix tape dj's overly self promoting. Listen up jerks, its one thing to promote yourself on a track you helped produce or had a hand in but to take credit for illegal distribution of a popular song by adding your name in the background of every chorus and the intro and adding 20 seconds at the end of the song to promote some small time thing you have coming up is just annoying and unnecessary. Shut your jerk face we don't need to know these things. I could care less who you are, there are plenty of unaltered versions that I could get and sadly, the p2p world is saturated with you're stupid over dubs and "remixes" I cant stand you. You have brought nothing to the world and you have barely brought anything to the music community. Shutup.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

and another thing...

Who thought it was a good idea to put only three settings on fans. Low, medium and high, awefully pretentious if you ask me. Clearly it should be a non click free spinning dial that allows you to set it for just how hot you are. And air conditioners, if you have a fan setting and a "cool" setting, why would pick the lowest cool setting possible. It doesn't do anything except produce heat which it then blows into the house from outside. This is a crime usually perpetrated by the lowest but occasionally high levels of twits. If you are hot then you are by nature already more likely to have a shorter fuse and lessened tolerance for stupid decisions. Stop screwing up the cool down system put in place to make the world easier to deal with jerks and jerkettes like yourselves.

Friday, June 5, 2009

and another thing...

pizza shops that automatically cut your large pizza into square slices. Idiots. I should not have to specify that i want my pizza pie cut into "pie slices" that should be the default. Just a minor annoyance but in the grand scheme of things you eat way more and awkwardly when you have square slices. The pizza looks like it diminishes like a pixelated image rather than the normal way. Not many dishes are served round like that and it only makes sense to cut evenly. Even worse is after remembering that a certain place cuts wrongly and after specifically asking for pie cut, getting home and opening the box only to find little pizza cubes. Bitches. Cut my pizza right jerks and jerkettes its not rocket science. Its barely simple mathematics. Cut it in half; now in half the other way; even that! at least my pizza is in big slices but its slices not portions the size of toilet paper sheets.

And another thing...

why do people wake you up for no reason? "I'm having a mini crisis!" bullshit. Crisis is a word that should be used for something monstrous like an earth quake where houses fall into the ground and fire shoots up from the cracks. A mini crisis is where houses aren't falling into the depths of the earth but there better be fire shooting up from the ground. Even worse is when you leave specific instructions because however you left things when you went to sleep will be fine till you wake up and someone doesn't trust you and feels the need to wake you up anyways. Sleep is obviously very important to me and this will not be the last gripe about lack of it I'm sure. And for good reason. Its the one thing my body needs that I can get for free and usually an abundance of but when this gets interupted or taken this is simply unacceptable. and downright rude